About us

Cognavi India Private Limited is a Private Limited Foreign Company incorporated in India on October 10, 2022. The company is located in Bengaluru, India, and offers AI/ML-powered tools for resume building, talent acquisition, and job placement. The company's offerings are tailored, efficient, and optimized for a superior hiring experience, and it aims to provide a one-stop service for students to create a resume, search for jobs, and apply to companies in India.

Our Mission

At Cognavi, our mission is to guide and empower students, fostering meaningful connections between talent and opportunity, while enhancing the recruitment experience for all

Our Vision

Cognavi envisions navigating future careers beyond traditional boundaries, creating an interconnected world where education, skills and opportunities converge for streamlined success. We aspire to be a beacon of transformation, fueling dreams and fostering innovation in the efficient journey of talent acquisition

What Sets Us Apart

Our offerings are meticulously designed to not only streamline the hiring process but also to support educational institutions. We specialize in creating an all-encompassing platform that serves as a one-stop solution for students, professionals, and universities alike. From crafting compelling resumes to navigating job searches, facilitating seamless applications, and assisting universities in monitoring student progress, Cognavi is committed to delivering a comprehensive suite of services tailored for a holistic educational and professional experience. Join us at Cognavi India Private Limited and embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling professional future